Peridot’s beauty and history makes it one of the most interesting gemstones we work with.
Peridot jewelry is the perfect gift for those loved ones and family members who have August birthdays. To increase your knowledge and appreciation of this amazing and unique gemstone, we have provided information about peridot’s origins, history, qualities, and care.
When should you give peridot jewelry?
Not only is peridot is the birthstone for the month of August, it is also the gemstone that is given to celebrate the 16th year of marriage.

Peridot Earrings by Mark Singerman Designs
What is the color range for peridot gems?
Peridot’s color ranges from pure green to yellowish green to greenish yellow. The intensity and tint of the green, however, depends on how much iron is contained in the crystal structure, so the color of individual peridot gems can vary from yellow to olive to brownish-green. Peridot stones with the finest color come from Myanmar and Pakistan.
How is peridot typically cut?
Peridot is cut in a wide variety of styles, including ovals, emerald cuts, and cushions.
Where is peridot formed?
Peridot gemstones are formed deep inside the earth’s mantle and are brought to the surface during volcanic eruptions. In Hawaii, the black basalt rock and beaches are studded with millions of tiny peridot grains. Today, most of the peridot supply comes from Arizona. Other sources include China, Myanmar, and Pakistan.

Olivine in a Pallasite Meteorite. The purest form of olivine is polished, cut and then becomes a peridot gem.
Do some peridot gems have extraterrestrial origins?
Yes. Peridot is an ancient remnant of our solar system’s creation and is brought to earth via a rare type of stony–iron meteorite called a Pallasite meteorite. These meteorites once formed part of the core of extinct planets. Although many different gemstones can be found in meteorites, peridot is the only one that has been found in sufficiently large sizes that can become gemstones in jewelry. One could make the case that extraterrestrial peridot is the rarest colored gemstone in the world.
Does peridot jewelry host magical powers?
It was once believed that those who wore peridot jewelry received healing benefits and were protected against nightmares. Legend also says that if the gem is set in gold, it will develop its full potential as a talisman – an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune.
What is peridot’s Egyptian history?
Today, peridot is the national gem of Egypt. It was known to the ancient Egyptians as the “gem of the sun” and was mined for more than 3,500 years on the Red Sea island of Zabargad. A few jewelry historians are now convinced that some, or possibly all of the emeralds Cleopatra was famous for wearing, were not actually emeralds, but peridot gems from Egypt.
How should you care for your peridot jewelry?
Clean your peridot jewelry with warm, soapy water only. Like fine wine, do not place or store your peridot jewelry where it may be exposed to drastic temperature changes; this can damage your gemstone. Be sure that your peridot does not come in contact with chemicals. Peridot jewelry should not be cleaned with ultrasonic or steam cleaners.
Custom Designed Peridot Jewelry
Why Settle for the Ordinary? Our custom jewelry designs are priced competitively with the jewelry you will find at the big chain stores and large custom designed jewelry manufacturers. Call or email us to find out more about our custom-designed jewelry services.
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